[Comunicat de presa] Some serious Ducked up stories are about to be launched
Pause reality and dive into the unexpected with these short stories filled with offbeat twists and relatable situations
Am primit acest comunicat de presa de la o tipa numita Nola Bel. No idea cum a dat de mine. Apparently locuieste in Bali, poate de aici conexiunea cu blogul meu. Si ea isi lanseaza chiar azi, de Ziua Internationala a Femeii, primul volum de short stories, numit Ducked up stories. Sunt foarte curioasa sa il descopar. Puteti cumpara volumul ei curand de pe Amazon, va recomand sa o urmariti pe Facebook, Instagram sau Twitter pentru lansare oficiala.
Nola Bel is launching her debut volume of short stories – Ducked up stories – a collection of 5 twisted short stories.
“I wondered for a moment if it should scare me, but with all my mental problems, not to mention my heart disease, I thought I should allow him to have at least one major issue.” – Ana Blanco, Cheat code for destiny, Ducked up stories Volume 1: Strong women.
The Ducked up stories started as a catharsis and as an exercise to turn self-pity into self-irony and change the perspective from victim to fighter, whether the villains in the stories were threatening the physical or psychological well-being of the characters. They naturally developed into a collection starring a remix of real stories of hurt, created by all sorts of everyday villains, seduced by power, overwhelmed by their gigantic egos, or blinded by their own suffering.
The stories take place in various parts of the world and this is another intentional move of Nola Bel’s quest to celebrate diversity and increase acceptance. With different cultural backgrounds and diverse triggers, the characters share a common fight: to get better at being themselves. This mission is also shared by the following characters of the next volumes, also centered on social issues: toxic families, condemned sexuality, or rejected immigrants.
“Filled with diverse characters and their unique voices, these weird situations powered by storytelling aim to create awareness of empathy and compassion. Don’t compare it to literary masterpieces, and don’t consider it a self-help book. This is just a light read to ease heavy emotions”, Nola Bel explains.

About Nola Bel
Nola Bel is an anagram for No Label. The writer behind the pseudonym might be an expat living in Bali along with her husband and their two sons, after a 20 years career as a travel guide worldwide. She is passionate about cooking and writing unpredictable stories, and she gains inspiration from being active in a multicultural expat community. Her goal is to spread acceptance and joy, while not censoring humor.
For more information please visit www.duckedupstories.com.
Contact details:
Nola Bel
One Reply to “[Comunicat de presa] Some serious Ducked up stories are about to be launched”
Sunt incantata sa aflu despre lansarea volumului tau de scurte povestiri, Ducked up stories! M-a intrigat foarte tare descrierea ta despre acest proiect care promite sa ne faca sa ne pierdem in situatii neasteptate si pline de umor. Imi plac mult cartile care abordeaza subiecte sociale si sunt foarte curioasa sa descopar povestile tale despre femeia puternica si lupta ei de a deveni mai buna. Felicitari pentru curajul de a explora subiecte grele intr-o maniera light si plina de empatie.